Both of these plants are in Kelowna ... #1 - this one just appeared this year, it has no leaves but had these beautiful flowers ... its just finishing it bloom right now. #2 - the stalks are full with water, and they self seed (the seed pods are formed at this time of year - Sept - and if you touch them they exlode sending the seeds out). The photo I submitted is when they have their flower which is from about June to August. Millions of thanks ... it's in none of my gardening books!! Sarah.
Clematis I think #1 is a clematis although it is hard to see the leaves or stems to see if it is a vine. We still have a few blooms on our clematis in Kelowna. I am not sure about #2.
1: Colchicum sp. A bulb. Coarse, glossy leaves will appear in spring. 2: Impatiens glandulifera. An annual. It is a pest in wetlands.