ok my father in-law has recently passed away and we got a basket with many different plants in it, now so that they do not die I need some help in identifying them so that I can look into their care needs. i have included pictures of the ones that I could at this time. thank you in advance for all your help.
1 is Maranta; 2 might be gold dust dracaena; 3 looks like Dracaena reflexa; 4 maybe croton ??; 5 is Dieffenbachia; 6 Syngonium; 7 ???
Looks like: Maranta leuconeura var. kerchoveana, Prayer Plant Dracaena surculosa (syn. D. godseffiana), Gold Dust Dracaena Dracaena sanderiana, Ribbon Plant Codiaeum sp., Croton Dieffenbachia sp., Dumb Cane Syngonium podophyllum, Arrowhead Vine ?
i agree with the id's. for #7, could you take some more pics of it?? hard to really see it well in that one.