I am new to growing citrus and i was wondering how well you can dry kaffir lime seeds to use later on
You really don't want them to dry. The fresher the seed the better the germination. You can keep them in the frig with a damp paper towel in a zip lock bag for a while, but the germination rate will not be as high in my experience.
Have a look at this thread in an external forum. Citrus seeds are quite perishable so, if possible, use fresh seed for propagation. Fortunately, fresh kaffir limes are readily available here in Vancouver for anyone wanting to grow from seed.
Hey, would anyone have a few spare kaffir lime seeds to buy? they seem to be pretty rare. I've seen one person selling the actual lime on ebay to keep the seeds fresh, so if anyone has any fruit of it i can buy so I can grow my own I'd appreciate it. Anyone who'd like to sell/donate some seeds please contact me. aim- myspaceisacult thanks.