Can water be killing plants?

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by curiousplant, Apr 1, 2008.

  1. curiousplant

    curiousplant Member

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    Mississauga, Canada
    I have a friend who recently moved into a new home and had to install a water treament system that uses sodiom or potassium something of the sort. Her plants are not doing well. Many of her plants were at my house for one year and thrived tremendously. Now some have died and others are not looking well. Could it be the water? Any suggestions?
  2. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    yes, the extra salts/sodium in the water isn't good for plants!

    is there any way she can draw water from a point BEFORE where the treatment system is attached to the system? if there isn't a faucet somewhere, it should be easy enough to add something in on the line before (and even right next to) the holding tank.

    in the mean time, use bottled water. might even want to do a heavy watering to flush the excess salts out of the soil of the various plants. or even repot - that can be an undertaking if it's more than a handful of plants, though.
  3. curiousplant

    curiousplant Member

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    Mississauga, Canada
    Thank you so much for your response. I will pass this information on to my friend and we will work hard at nursing the plants back to health.

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