These fruits look like crab apples, except that they're missing the calyx bit at the end. And the leaf shape seems more like dogwood (but they're not opposite). Should I be recognizing this? They're on the grounds of a public school annex.
Re: Can this be crab apple? Leaves seem wrong Callery pear perhaps?
Re: Can this be crab apple? Leaves seem wrong Thanks, saltcedar. That certainly looks right. I know the name, but don't really know those trees. I did smell the leaves specifically to see if they smelled like pears, but none of the people I was with thought they smelled bad or had any smell other than green.
Re: Can this be crab apple? Leaves seem wrong Pears produce stinky flowers, stinky leaves I have never noticed.
I don't know when I'm going to recognize Callery Pears - I had to look these up on the city's tree list. They get wonderful fall colours. Am I going to not recognize them again in the spring? I can recognize pear flowers - are there other ornamental pears to confuse them with?
See Jacobson, Trees of Seattle - Second Edition (2006) for kinds of pears on streets there. Other species are present, although Callery pear is by far the dominant one.