Just this Spring, I planted a Butterfly Bush, Bristol Ruby Weigela, Wine and Roses Weigela, and a Rose of Sharon. We are having to move and I wanted to know if these can be transplanted?
yes you can transplant..but the best time is spring, but if it is a must.....go ahead and move them to where you want them, then, this fall, put down straw or mulch right above the root system to help protect them from winter
Vreebug, you can take cuttings of your coleus or dig it up. Since it isn't winter hardy where you live I would suggest cuttings that you pot up and grow indoors for the winter. Then you can plant them out after all danger of frost next spring. Do the stem cuttings technique here. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/pdffiles/MG/MG10800.pdf In case you haven't dug up your shrubs yet, you should find this helpful too. Mulch your shrubs and trees the same way. http://www.albertarose.org/women/gardening/ball_and_burlap.htm http://www.ext.nodak.edu/extpubs/plantsci/trees/f1147w.htm http://www.treesaregood.com/treecare/mulching.aspx http://cals.arizona.edu/pubs/water/az1298/ http://www.watersaver.org/pdfs/shrub_watering_recommendations.pdf Good luck in your new home. Newt