can"t identify this tree

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by map, Apr 4, 2006.

  1. map

    map Member

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    concord, nc USA
    This tree is on its second year and i don't know what kind it is. My mother-in-law says it is a bad tree and i should get rid of it but i don't want to until i know what it is. Please let me know what kind it is and if it is a bad tree to have because i think it is kinda pretty. Thank you for your time.

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  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Populus species. Larger ones will be nearby somewhere, unless it came in with another plant or other material.
  3. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    Agree with a poplar. Definitely a bad tree that close to a house, but a nice one if replanted a safe distance away. Move it about 30m away from buildings and service lines to give it the space to grow without damaging anything. Best wait until the leaves have fallen (October-November) before attempting to move it.
  4. Laurie

    Laurie Active Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Seattle, WA
    Decades and decades ago, a poplar, maybe Populus alba, was planted for shade outside the southwest window of a house in a dry windy site in Idaho. Probably six years ago we removed it. As a precaution we had someone come and grind up the stump and roots. Probably twenty to forty feet away, we planted a large rose bed with so many of the roses that were suffering from deer pruning here. To this day, little poplars are still coming up in the lawn and in the rose bed. If this is a residential garden of modest space, wouldn't it be better to give this poplar away and aim for success with any number of the lovely trees suited to NC which don't promise such difficulties in the future?
  5. map

    map Member

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    concord, nc USA
    I would like to thank everyone for the advice about my tree. I live out in the country and have woods in my bakyard. Come fall I will move the tree far away from my house and let it live in the wood. Thank you again for the advice.

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