I bought it because it was the only one of its kind at the store, but no ID and the sales people couldn't help either. I've been told it's probably a Peperomia, but which variety is unknown. The leaves are not shiny, but the stems have a slight red tinge to them
I looked at a pic of the rugosa, but the leaves are shiny and curled up, unlike mine. http://www.peperomia.net/photos/b_rugosa.jpg Of course my being the novice gardener that I am doesn't help either. Thank you for your response
Picture lacks size reference so this may be way off. https://www.google.com/search?num=1...Dw&biw=979&bih=433&sei=4QybT7PrD6OG2gXJ-NycDw
Thanks for the help!, the Melastomataceae Miconia insconspicua looks like a perfect match to my plant. Now to find out how to care for it, I would think it's a house plant similar to the peperomia?
Yes, they would have roughly the same needs. However it isn't likely this plant is in commercial production. Probably need to keep looking for a more common genus such as Dissotis or Heterocentron. http://www.imagejuicy.com/images/plants/d/dissotis/1/ https://www.google.com/search?num=1...Dw&biw=979&bih=433&sei=hGWcT-ujCunu2gXH_8XyDg