Can someone please help to identify this plant. Any idea how to control it? It is slowly taking over my vegetable garden. Thnks for help.
Thank you for your time. I did little Google search on Oxalis corniculata and plant in my garden looks exactly like that. Do you have any idea how to control it? Thanks again.
This little Oxalis is very difficult to control in the garden. The plants grow and produce seeds very quickly; so you have to look for new plants frequently. Pulling them, digging them under, or hoeing them before seeds set is the only way that I control them, since I don't use herbicides. The plants in the photo are already full of seed pods, which, when mature, will explode at the slightest touch and send seeds flying everywhere. It will require years of diligent weeding to clear that patch of the garden. They also grow during cool weather; so you have to watch for them all year.