Attached is a small indoor plant that I bought about 2 weeks ago. It stays indoors on the window sill in the kitchen (southern california). It gets bright indirect light and about 60 minutes of afternoon sun. It's a beautiful plant that I enjoy, but recently leaves have begun to turn yellow and limp, especially the smaller leaves at the bottom. So I put it outside for a couple hours of direct sun. That didn't seem to do anything. Now some of the bigger leaves are turning yellow and soft. I don't know what type it is and therefore I'm not certain if it is over or under watered or how much direct or indirect light it likes. It's in its original plastic pot (with excellent drainage holes) and I have simply placed it in a clay plot. The bottom of the plastic pot doesnt sit in any water that drains into the clay pot. I assume I am not overwatering, since I modestly water when the soil appears dry. Help!! Thanks -Tom
partial light to more shade, poisonous if ingested, water requirements are medium. fertilize as needed.