Hello this is my first post , this bush is reddish in color and grows in slightly sandy soil. I hope you can help from this photo
Re: Can someone identify this bush for me , my wife really likes it and I would like The plant is very small in that photo, it's not possible to see any detail. Do you have any closer photos of the plant? If I had to guess, I would say it looks like a dwarf Japanese maple, but I could be way off.
Re: Can someone identify this bush for me , my wife really likes it and I would like I am sure Eric is correct. Multiple cultivars of this popular item on the market, look for purple weeping laceleaf Japanese maple.
Re: Can someone identify this bush for me , my wife really likes it and I would like OK Thanks for all your help. I will try to get a better photo
Re: Can someone identify this bush for me , my wife really likes it and I would like Thanks for all you help its a Purple weeping Laceleaf Japanese Maple you guys nailed it....Thanks again