Hey all1 hopefully some one can help me! I have an satsuma plant, for 2years. I have had scales recently ( well for a while now, but i only reliasd a week ago when the leaves were dying. I used thiacloprid which didnt help. SO i then applied oil ( cooking oil in water) which worked quite well, i hardly see any scales left. However my plant is still dying! I dont think its light etc, as its kept inside, warm temp, in full view of sun, watered few weeks, normal soil for indoor plant etc The leaves are dying like when they had scale; small section of the botton leaves becomes discouored yellow ( you cant see the yelloe from the top), then the top becomes yellow, then that section becomes brown :s Right first link, shows leaves when they are first startinmg to die http://img7.imageshack.us/my.php?image=image012r.jpg SEcond link, is the browning from the top http://img7.imageshack.us/my.php?image=image013jrh.jpg I dont thinks its the thialocpird either, as this is the way the leaves were dying before applying. Can scales give infections or something? What do i doooo??? KInd regards
It wont be the pesticide, its fine on citrus ( not killing of the plant ) , i cant see whats wrong with it as my computer is not playing today and wont open the pictures! Check the root temperature though, as over the last few weeks the sun has become very strong due to time of year, if its in full sun on the windowledge and the roots are cold then it may loose leaves Check the bottom of the leaves for any tiny spidermites or thrips, soak the bottoms of the leaves with water and a drop of oil ( about a spoon of oil in a litre ) just in case , i would use neem oil , but sunflower works, not as well though Theres websites saying when you use that pesticide on scale, there is a very high chance of getting spidermites afterwards, why i dont know
The leaves would not degrade in health if it was temp, they would just fall off. Your pics look either like some sort of deficiency, infection, or pest infestation, but I'm no good at identifying these lol