Anyone have any ideas on how to help my Schefflera? It's been dropping leaves at the base (they get yellow and fall off but they don't brown, and the trunk isn't squishy either) and it's looking very spindly. New growth has also formed but then fallen off not long after. I have a grow light over it as it's sitting in front of a North-facing window and I'm pretty positive I'm not overwatering it (I water it once a week, sometimes longer, but I always check the soil first and use fish water). It was recently repotted into the pot it's in now, in the photos - about 3 or 4 weeks ago at most. I used potting soil, I haven't fertilized it and I haven't moved it since repotting but I did add the grow light - although it's been yellowing and dropping leaves since before being repotted/having the grow light over it. I'm quite new to taking care of indoor plants as I just recently moved into my own house so I'm wondering if there's anything I'm missing? I imagine it's stressed from being repotted as that's normal, but is there anyway to help it adjust, aswell as grow better/more? Should I just leave it be and do as I'm doing? Thank you in advance! Any advice is appreciated.
Hi there, To be honest it sounds like you're doing everything right. 3-4 weeks isn't very long in "shrub recovery time." I would give it a few months probably. It was likely shocked from transplant. The grow light should help- it looks as though it hasn't gotten enough light in the past. Also remember that a terra cotta pot is porous and may dry out faster than other types of pots. You definitely don't want to overwater, but I wouldn't want it sitting dry too long either. Hope this helps, good luck!
Thank you! I got this Schefflera from my mom and it's pretty much been spindly the whole time, the pot it was in was terrible, and I don't think it got alot of light. So you're probably right! I check the soil of all my plants almost every day to make sure it's not too dry so I'll definitely continue to do that aswell. Thank you so much for replying! It's much appreciated!