While in County Clare, Ireland, we stayed in a cottage that had this beautiful shrub. The landlord was able to identify it as amember of the Scrophulariaceae family, but I can't seem to find the exact name. And there is a huge variety in the Scrophulariaceae family of shrubs. Picture of shrub is attached. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thank you so much! Now after the past couple of hours of research, I am not finding a reliable source for ordering such a plant in the US. I can order from the UK, but will have to go through some serious hoops and get a permit for importing such a plant. I only want a couple, lol, so I am wondering if anyone has any ideas on where/how to purchase Hebe in the US? Specifically "Milborne Port", Wiri Image", "Wiri Dawn" or "Wingletye".
There are several American nurseries listed on the Hebe Society Website. http://www.hebesoc.org/nurseries/nurseries.htm Hebe will not survive in Rochester New York however, so if that is where you intend to grow, I don't think it will be possible without special measures. They have limited hardiness.
Here where climate is more suitable every fully developed general retail plant outlet displays a range of hebes.