Hi, my friend left me this dragon tree when she moved and it was in a pot with 2 smaller ones. The leaves where much longer than the ones on my own one and they looked pretty tired. As I thought that the plant needed more space, I repotted the smaller ones into separate pots and they have picked up fine and are looking great. However, the main plant, which is quite big, is looking really bad. I think I might be guilty of overwatering it... I haven't watered it now in ages, but the leaves have dropped off and the stem looks pretty wilted. I have attached some photos, maybe someone can tell me if I can save it? It would be a pity to see this olant die, it is so tall I think it could look great. Also, there were 3 smaller stems growing from it, but one was totally soggy, so I cut it off to give more strength to the other two. Since them they have grown new small leaves, but they fall off pretty fast. Thanks for your help!
yes overwatered. I would take cuttings off the 2 branches and repot them in non soggy potting mix and see how the main plant goes. Ed