I have a weeping willow that appears to be dying (or is dead- I don't know. Hope it's not). I have no knowledge about trees. So here I am. Hoping to get help from experts! I would love to revive this tree if someone can point me in the right direction. I really do not want to remove it. It appears to be the only one in my neighborhood! We all love it! History: Was put in by a contractor in 2000. I did prune some heavily hanging branches and few that grew toward the house. Last five years or so. Two years back I used this insect spray to control black little bugs on leaves. I sprayed all over the tree and poured gallon or so around the base. Tree was looking great last summer. It did look sick around end of last summer. This year, No leaves and looks terrible. Please Help!!
Dead, with a high probability due to inappropriate use of a spray pesticide. Next time: identify the problem insect first before using a treatment that may or may not be necessary (and if not necessary, save yourself some money).
Thanks for quick reply Daniel! I took bug sample and pictures to Homedepot and used exactly as recommended. Last pruning was done little high. I thought may be the tree didn’t like that! I will take your word. Sadly, got to say goodbye to this tree and see how I get the new one.