Hi There, I have this Crimson Maple, it's three years old and as you can see by the picture attached, it's pathetic, can I prune the leafless branches, no signs of new buds at all, or should I wait till later in the year?
I see no reason in waiting you may even promote new or secondary buds to wake up. I would also fert (if you haven't already) and water well. I would also remove the grass and put mulch around it, some cool season grasses are Allelopathic and may be hindering it from really getting established and flourishing.
Thanks alot Harry Homeowner; I'm not to worried about wattering because the back field it's takes a while for the ground water to evaporate, but not boggy where the tree is, I will fertilize. Mulching around it is out of the ? for now, wierd but whenever I have mulched around the trees back there it's an open invitation for the deer to dine on those mulched trees.