Can I cut Orchid leaves off?

Discussion in 'Conversations Forum' started by val from England, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. Hi Its Val, I havent been on here for ages but had to reply to this question about cutting the leaves off orchids, Dont do it!!! I cut the leaves off of one of my best orchids because it was wonky and kept falling over, big mistake! I was advised never to cut the leaves off as the orchid breathes through its leaves. 2 years later and the one I cut has just 2 tiny leaves growing on it though it did bloom a bit last year.

    All my other orchids are just coming into bloom now, one of the white ones is covered in flowers and all of the others are in bud. This is despite spending a few weeks in the hall or spare bedrooms, so they are a lot hardier than they look! I always ask for them for mothers day or easter gifts. I love them. so good luck to all of you.
  2. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    I think I totally agree with Val...I never cut my leaves either. If they naturally shed their older leaves anyway, you really don't have to cut any.

    : )
  3. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    Unnecessary surgery!
  4. Hi HL,
    How are you? I dont know if you remember sending me and lots of other people some Solanum seeds? I have such a tiny plant now with dark (very dark green leaves) I still have some seeds, should I try again? I have kept the little plant indoors, perhaps thats why its so small.
  5. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Do you mean 'Jerusalem Cherry' (Solanum Pseudocapsicum)?

    If this is the one you mean, it is meant to be a houseplant, so no worries. Keep it in bright indirect light.

    : )
  6. Ok HL, Thanks thats what I will do. xx
  7. Can anyone tell me about the tendrils that grow from an Orchid? All my Orchids have several grey things growing quite quicky from the main plant. are they potential flower stalks? do they detract the strength of the plant?
  8. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    I believe those are the orchid's roots!

    My orchid flower stalks are always green, super tall, and upright.

    : )
  9. Thanks HL, its a good job I didnt prune them off!
  10. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    You're welcome!

    No, no...don't cut any of them off unless they turn brown and look dead.

    : )
  11. Ha, look brown and dead? sounds more like me than the plants! Thanks for the advice, I was wondering if they would eventually flower!

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