My Aloe Is In A 10" Pot That Is About 10" Deep. The Aloe It's Self Is About 2 Feet Tall And About 2.5 Feet Wide. I Want To Know If I Can Cut The Main Stem Of The Aloe In Half. There Are Many Baby Shoots Poping Up Around The Edge Of The Pot. Help Please!
I am not sure what you mean by " can I cut the main stem in half? " Do you have a photo of the plant that you can post here?
You don't cut the main plant in order to plant the babies. Unpot the aloe, cut of the little ones (be gentle) and pot them up seperate. They may or may not have roots of their own, but in either case, don't water them for at least a month after planting them on their own and in dry soil. Don't worry, they are succulents and are made to go without water. M.