Also, how often should I be watering it and where should the plant be located? Does it look in a bad way? Is the pot big enough? Any help would be very appreciated
it is kinda hard to tell from the pic but it looks like a corn plant .. here is some mor info on it .. if that pot it is in has no drainage then i would get it in one .. and also mayb give it more light . they also dont like to be kept wet .. let it dry out some between watering .. ' Marn
You have a Yucca, it needs quite a it more light than it is getting, it likes to stay on the dryer side and will only need to be repotted if the roots fill the pot, and it can still stay root bound for some time. if you can put it outside for the summer in a sunny spot and it will be happy.
Thanks for your replies. Is it a Yucca or a Corn Plant then? I get the impression both plants are very similar? The pot has drainage by the way and I water it every few days (maybe twice a week) but I dont think it does get enough light as I leave the blinds shut after I get up (it is in the bedroom)
That's a corn plant if I've ever seen one. Just feel the leaves, feel just like a fresh corn husk? That's where it got the name. I think you are watering to often. In a pot that size you can (should) wait until at least the top 2-3 inches of soil are dry. As for light, they like lots, but are also known as great low-light plants. The live for years in offices where all they get is artifical light 9-5 mon-fri. Note: If you want it to bloom, and I hear the blooms spell GREAT, it will need lots of light.
You shouldn't water it twice a week unless it it bone dry, you can tell it is a yucca by the flaky bark, and the leaves that are narrower and rougher than the draceana leaves. Draceanas have smoother feeling leaves, and they are wider and more rounded at the ends. Yes it definately needs a lot more light and a lot less water.
Hi there, I only know the plant as the corn plan. that's what it looks like, they like filtered light, or indirect sunlight, it looks pretty healthy to me. make sure you let it dry out between watering. hope I was able to help. Peter
Hi there, I am new at this, but I am a plant lover, I am sure it's a corn plant, yours looks pretty good, they like diffused light, no direct sunlight. and they like to be rootbound, and on the dry side. water well, drain, and let it dry out, before watering again, what I do is stick my finger deep into the earth, and if I feel any moister, I don't water it. they are quite hardy. Peter.