I am in a new-to-me-but-old-house with a sad mix of established successful plantings and more recent, really poor plantings - for example, things that need lots of space planted a foot away from big trees, or planted too deep. I am used to doing things trial by error, but for now I think it might be helpful to use a design program, if it's good. can anyone recommend a garden design program for a Mac computer? I'd really appreciate the help. Leigh
It sounds like I'm in a similar situation. An older house (new to me) with alot of landscaping I'd like to change using design software to plan and a Macintosh computer. Did you ever get any relevant replies?
You can try this one, it's a free one made by the BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/gardening/design/virtualgarden_index.shtml There's a Mac version and a PC version. I tried it out, it's pretty fun but it has no vegetable plants! :/