Hello, Can anyone help name this cactus? I've just inherited it and I've never seen it flower. The smaller ones are growing out of the original one. Thanks
Not easy without a flower, but my guess is Lobivia/Echinopsis. Not necessarily a true species, there are many hybrids which makes identification even more difficult.
I don't know what species it is, but no cactus will do well being left in water for very long. Make sure your soil is quick draining and don't leave water in the tray.
While we are on the subject of cactus care: I would separate the cactus and the Crassula. Planting different cactus species together is rarely a good idea, because they have different needs. Mixing plants from different plant families is even worse.
Thanks everyone, I've just inherited these plants from a previous technician and when I've looked into them all I've realised that most of them are being cared for wrong. But I'm correcting them all! All the cacti are out of water dishes and have been repotted in well draining soil.
Are you sure? They look very healthy! By chance, have you put them into a pot without draining holes at the bottom?
Well this is the problem because all of them are still alive and kicking, none have flowered and none have grown. So this is why I've not really looked into their care until now but there were a lot of them sat in trays of water which I've been told over and over again are a no no. And when I have repotted the cacti the bottom halves don't look very healthy. So I'm not sure what to think! They're all potted with draining holes as well.
Then you should have seen some growth, but this is not even etioliated. Is it indoors at room temperature all year around?
As you said you never seen its flower so i can only guess that it could be Columnar Cacti, they usually take a lot of time to bloom.Though its not posiible to tell the breed without seeing flowers ans all breeds usually share common characteristics.
Many cacti are unlikely to flower if they are for example too young or unhappy with the growing conditions, but I do not understand why it does not grow. It happens if something is wrong with the roots, but that usually shows on the above-ground parts of the plant. BTW: Columnar cacti don't offset like that, and it is definitely not possible to identify a plant as a columnar based on the absence of flowers, there are many other possible reasons.