Can anyone identify this type of weeping fig for me ? I know of the pandora variety that has leaves that curl into a c shape but the leaves on my ficus curl into a spiral in 95% of its leaves and was wondering if it is a pandora at all. Please can anyone who knows this type let me know !!!!! thanks carrie
i know its a type of ficus benjamin but i would like the specific variety of weeping fig, if noone knows could some one refer me to someone who might ?
could this b it .. ??.. if that is the pic u posted of your plant .. this one sure looks like it .. hope it helps ya good luck Marn
i came across this picture of the pandora variety in my own search, it could be it but im not sure the leaves of the ficus i own are much darker in colour and the curl in them is much more dramatic, they litterally rap up around themselves, unfortunately the picture i posted doesnt show this very well
could it b your lighting and heat in your area ??.. that is makeing the leaves curl more .. try misting also .. plants love humidity ... and chek for bug also .. hope u find out what it is .. I hate not knowing the name of Marn
Thanks but no there is nothing wrong with it, no bugs and the humidity is fine i asked a garden center if they could identify it, they couldnt they suggested these same things, but inspecting it further they said that it was none of them, they said they would contact their supplier, after taking a photo to see what sort of ficus it is (and get some to sell because it is a very attractive plant,) also currently it is about 120cm big and it wont seem to grow higher but seems to be getting fatter instead, i will see in time if i can get it to grow taller but i dont think it will.
There is nothing wrong with your plant and please forgive my language but we always called it A Ducks Tail or a ducks ass. I don't mean to be uncouth but that's what we call it. and it is a ficus. If you search common name this may give you a clue or maybe not . Good Luck