Definitely Common Mullein. It spreads readily especially where the soil is disturbed. Every time someone around here has logging done on their property, Mullein is the first thing to pop up in all the skidder trails.
Actually Great Mullein Verbascum thapsus (as Ron B mentioned):
Common or Great Mullein. Shepherd's Club. Feltwort. Velvet Plant. Flannel Plant. Aaron's Rod. Blanketleaf. Candlewick. Adam's Fennel. Beggar's Blanket. Hag Taper. Velvet Dock. Cow's Lungwort. Fuzzweed. --Jacobson, Wild Plants of Greater Seattle - Second Edition
Jacobson isn't the authority on the naming of European species. His claims are irrelevant and of no account.
The matter at hand is the correct English name now, not what names have been used, often wrongly, in the past or by others with no authority to rename.
I think I've also encountered it being called railroad plant, doubtless a reference to a common growing site for it.
Posts restored, but please continue discussion of nomenclature here.
Thank you all for your replies, since everyone is in agreement that it is mullein, the name gives me something to research, once again thank you!
Will do, but having been publicly insulted and humiliated on this thread, I do wish to exercise my right to reply in the same place; just to point out that whatever agenda I might have is only rendered conspicuous to that person, because it conflicts with his agenda. Click Click Click Click. Phew! Boy! Talk about someone with an agenda!