Is anyone able to identify this plant, it was in a display at the Melbourne Flower & Garden Show this week, the reddish leaves don't necessarily belong to the green balls, Yvonne
Just a wild guess! Flower arrangers are very clever with pins and wires. The stalk of your "flowers" look very like a carnation with the opposite leaves that curl down... could it be that they have pinned something else on top. Could it be a species of moss pinned into a carnation stem? If so, it has been very skillfully done. But I cannot think of any flower with that structure of "petals" See the nearest I could find .....
Thanks Silver Surfer, that does look similar, ...... I wondered if it was the seed head of a flower that they may have dyed, but it looked to soft & delicate, ...... also in the same display they had Echinacia with the petals removed, so they looked a different species also, so they used a few tricks in the display. Yvonne
Dianthus barbatus 'Green Trick':
Thanks Lila, that was really bugging me. At least I had the right family with the carnation type leaves! I tried googling "Carnation green" with no luck... putting in "Dianthus green" and up it pops!!! Mystery solved!!!
Thanks so much for that Lila, :) I also did a 'Google' & found more information on it in another forum, which states it is a very new plant, Yvonne