I was wanting someone to identify the flower in the attachment, can respond to me at email: jed283@yahoo.com, thanks
the flower is coming up on a stem coming out of center of flower, then stem comes up from that flower and another flower forms, I looked at the horsemint picture on the internet and it really doesn't look like what I have. Thank you for your reply
Well, that sort of habit (a stem coming out of center of flower, then stem comes up from that flower and another flower forms) is pretty characteristic of monardas in general. Have a look at the attached pictures: http://images.google.com/images?client=safari&rls=en&q=monarda%20punctata&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi You may also want to do a google image search on other monarda species, such as Monarda didyma.
Definitely something in the mint family, but there are also a few Monarda look-alikes (at least superficially) like Leonotis (though I don't think there is a pink cultivar)
I will throw in that is horsemint for sure. Grow all along the hightway in Dallas/Fort Worth for sure. Also of interest, if you ever have flea trouble, put it around and they will leave. They hate it.