Dear Plant Experts: My family recently moved to Germany. Adjoining our property in an overgrown lot is a small tree with fuzzy leaves (approx. 3 inches long) and cranberry-sized semi-translucent, juicy berries. The berries are attached to the stem in pairs. I have very little knowledge of plants and have done a fairly extensive and completely unsuccessful online search trying to identify them. I have 3 small children and am thus concerned about safety around potentially poisonous plants. I hope the attached picture is able to help clarify. I am grateful for any input. Many thanks! Melissa
Thank you Silver Surfer! You are absolutely right! It looks like Lonicera xylosteum is common in this part of Germany, and unfortunately toxic.
It is only mildly toxic, your children would have to eat quite a lot to come to harm, and the taste is too revolting for them to be likely to do so. Educate them not to eat them, but don't be worried if they do swallow the odd one or two.