Identification: Can anyone identify these mushrooms please. They have a light purple stem.

Discussion in 'Fungi, Lichens and Slime Molds' started by nealee, Dec 13, 2015.

  1. nealee

    nealee Member

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    doncaster uk
  2. Frog

    Frog Generous Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    B.C., Canada
    Hi Neallee,

    To ID this, more info would be needed, and also some mushrooms are easier than others to ID by photo, and there are many mushrooms resembling this. Lastly there are mushrooms that are transglobal and some that are regional and I'm in the PNW of NA.

    Having said that, if you wish to pursue this, do take a spore print (Basics: cut off stem, cap side down on white paper, leave for a few hours), also note any particular smell, and get a closer shot of where the gills attach to the stem. The characters that will help you are; the lawn habitat ( but note if there are conifers or hardwoods nearby), smooth & slimy cap, crowded gills, large darkening umbo on cap, short stem, and when you get it, the colour of the spores. In the photo the stem looks more orangey than light purple, so if it is purple, note down the colours of cap gills and stem.

    Please feel welcome to post your observations here, as we may be able to help, but also I suggest contacting your local branch of the British Mycological Society as they will have knowledge of the regionally specific species.

    I hope that helps!
  3. nealee

    nealee Member

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    doncaster uk
    IMG_20151221_111921.jpg IMG_20151221_111933.jpg IMG_20151221_112255.jpg IMG_20151221_112403.jpg
    Hello Frog
    Thank you for your reply it has helped tremendously.
    The mushrooms seem to be deteriorating a little but I have managed to get some results.
    When the mushrooms first appear and are quite small, cap <50mm, they have the light purple stem and grey/brown cap.
    When they mature they have a cap about 120mm dia which is dark brown in the middle and light brown at the edge. Orangey/brown stem.
    Spore print is white/cream in colour.
    Smell - mushroom nothing else.
    Gills - crowded
    Cap - smooth
    Gill attachment decurrent maybe.
    Appears Nov/Dec.
    The lawn is on clay soil and the mushrooms are under the canopy of a very old (100+ yrs) apple tree, but conifers are also within 5m.
    We also get giant puffballs close by in the autumn.
    Thanks again for the advice and I will contact the local branch of the British Mycological Society.
  4. Frog

    Frog Generous Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    B.C., Canada

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