Last summer a neighbor of mine gave me four seeds from this beautiful vine that she had growing on her mailbox and I planted three this past spring. I now have tons of seeds and it is a beautiful vine with flowers on it and I wanted to know what it is. It has to be replanted each spring after the last frost. thanks
Don't Know what it is but it sure is stunning with the purplish undersides. Do you trade seeds? Janet
sure. Not sure how this would grow in the Canadian environment, it does not tolerate freezing weather, but does produce lots of bean pods to replant each year. I really wish I could find out its name so i could research it more!
hyacinth bean vine. it loves heat/humidity. this is my second year growing it...and it does it's best growth during august when it's really humid and hot here. before that it is very slow growing. i need to start it inside and then plant out when the soil and air is warm enough so that it has a bit of a head start. the vines can get to about 20 feet long. it will continue to bloom until the first hard frost. and all the blooms produce those amazingly colored pods! that's what really attracted me to the plant...
I can't send you an email, can you send me one from my profile page. Thanks, Janet P.S. if you have a list please send it and I will send you mine for trade, thanks again, Janet
So glad to see this inquiry. I just picked a piece of this same vine from a parking lot here in North Central Texas. Have only seen it twice. I have about 4 seed pods, should I plant in the spring here in our hotter climate?
cgreetings I know this is an old thread but I was looking through vines to put around a mailbox and came upon your thread. I know I am new to this site but I was wondering if I can get your seeds as well? I cannot pm you yet as I don't have enough posts. Thank you
i'd be glad to send some seeds to you...just send me a pm with your address when you have enough posts. or try clicking on my name and see if you can send an email...not sure if that functionality will work for you if the pm's don't...