Unfortunately I could not get photos but I clearly saw this butterfly this morning while walking the dogs in Everett Crawley Park in Vancouver. I thought at first it was a morning cloak, https://www.butterfliesandmoths.org/species/Nymphalis-antiopa, but it was not. It kept flying up and down the road so I was able to get a good look at it several times and that's when I realized it was jet black, not brown. It had a single row of distinct white spots the entire length of the outer wing edges. And there was also a red or dark orangish patch on the upper corner of each wing tip, not an eyespot. I've tried googling "black butteries of BC' but I keep getting swallowtails. Any guesses?
??? https://www.insectidentification.or...hp?identification=Eight-Spotted-Forester-Moth Above link from: https://www.insectidentification.or...e=British Columbia&thisType=Butterfly or Moth
The butterfly was definitely not the eight-spotted forester moth. However I was able to scroll through the second link you provided and found something that looked very similar - the Lorquin's Admiral. https://linnet.geog.ubc.ca/efauna/Atlas/Atlas.aspx?sciname=Limenitis lorquini itelkae The spots on the one I saw were more distinct and rounder in appearance with black showing between them (I think this is why it stood out to me as I had never seen this butterfly before). I also did not notice any white on the lower edges of the wings but then the butterfly was flying about at the time. I think this may be what I saw. Thanks for the assistance!
Here is a link showing better what I saw.... https://www.insectidentification.or...php?identification=Lorquins-Admiral-Butterfly