I'd like to identify these cacti. Listed as A,B,C,D. Pretty sure these first three are Mammillaria but I'd like to know the species. A B C I think this last one is either Rebutia or Echinopsis, please help on the genera and species. D Thanks for any help in advance.
We might not know exactly what they are. Give it time! You might also try posting the attachments directly - directions for how to do this are in the sidebar. I'd guess Echinopsis for Cactus D.
As one of those who viewed - no, nothing wrong, it's just that I couldn't identify them any further than you did yourself, so couldn't add anything useful. They're actually very good photos, for identifying them from. Agree with Mammillaria on the first three, but it's a huge genus, which makes pinning them down to species very difficult.
I figured out the last one. It is Gymnocalycium mihanovichii. I know the third one (C) is native to Utah. Thanks for the replies.