Hello. I have had this cactus for some time now and it has started to droop. I figured the best way to figure out how to help it is to first idenentify what it is. The first image is what it looked like when i first got it (DSCF9207) And the second image is what it looks like now (DSCF9205)
Probably Echinopsis chamaecereus. Sideways growth normal. No flowers yet? I'd focus on getting it to bloom (see photos online, the flowers are fairly dramatic).
Thanks for letting me know so quickly. I wasn't sure if I would get a response. Unfortunately over the years I have had my cactus it has never flowered. I look forwards to looking it up.
Mammillara elongata. (Echinopsis chamaecereus has shorter spines and the body has ribs, unlike Mammillaria.)
Thank you. That looks much more like it. When looking at images of Echinopsis chamaecereus I saw similarities but did not think it was what I have
Indoor plants like to have cozy roots. This poor soul looks lost in a sea of soil. Water less, feed it & repot into wee pot, and nurse it back to health!