it belongs to my friend at work and it is currently having babies (casting off seeds...they spring off in sets of threes) which are produced from very small flowers off the thick middle stalk. we have been told that it may be related to a poinsettia, but we are not sure. here is a picture... and it grows like a weed! thanks so much!
thank you! that looks like exactly what it is! i've now read that it can be poisonous and may even cause tumors! can anyone shed any light on this information? is it safe to keep this plant around all the time? thanks!
Just don't eat it and you'll be fine. My cat ate some of my Poinsettia and lived, when I inquired about it I was told he would have to eat an awful lot to kill him, I was releived, he lived to a ripe old age of 20 1/2 years.