I spotted this beauty on a recent stroll through strathcona. My first guess was some type of himalayan honeysuckle. Any body know?
This is one of the most frequent plants posted on this forum for ID. It is pokeweed, Phytolacca. It is a common weed in eastern N. America. I think the berries are pretty, but be aware they are not edible. The plant contains toxins.
If some of ya'll never been down South too much... I'm gonna tell you a little bit about this, So that you'll understand what I'm talking about Down there we have a plant That grows out in the woods and the fields, Looks somethin' like a turnip green. Everybody calls it Poke salad. Poke salad. Used to know a girl that lived down there and she'd go out in the evenings and pick a mess of it... Carry it home and cook it for supper, 'Cause that's about all they had to eat, But they did all right. Down in Louisiana Where the alligators grow so mean There lived a girl that I swear to the world Made the alligators look tame Poke salad Annie, poke salad Annie Everybody said it was a shame Cause her mama was working on the chain-gang