I found a berry bush about 6 feet tall that has been planted near me that reminds me in structure of manzanita. It has white, blue-berry type bell shaped flowers. It's leaves are simple, apple green to slightly darker, lanceolate, 1-2 inches long with clear raised vennation on the backside, do not snap like manzanita leaves and have and very slight serratedness on the edges. All the leaves point skyward, straight up. It carries berries and flowers right now (end of october). When I first saw it the bright red berries (size and structure of a cherry, no pit) reminded me of kinnickinick, but the surface of the berry is ruffled... tiny little pyramid shaped ruffles over the entire surface. The interior of the berry is yellow, medium yellow. Berry is very soft, gives easily. The climate here is pretty cold for California, and misty all the time.
Check out strawberry tree, arbutus unedo. You would be right to compare it to manzanita, somewhat related...