I have a 20 year old calamondin tree in a plastic pot which I have had indoors for 20 years. Repotting every second or third year. It has bloomed every year (with 2-3 blossoms and producing oranges). This past year it did not flower so in Feb I trimmed it back and it grew a few new leaves then a stunning shoot at the top of the tree which appears to be a new tree. It's one stem with 3 sets of leaves on either side. I've only seen this happen on orchids. Can I cut this off and plant it?? I would love your advice. Thank you! nflux888
You could cut the shoot off and treat it as a cutting but wait until it has turned into semi-hardwood. Was this tree grown from seed?
I wondered because of the scarcity of flowers. You might try giving the tree more light. Also, exposure to a period of cool temperatures during winter will encourage flower bud development.
It's always chilling in my loft so that's never a problem. I will definitely give it more light. Thanks for the advice!