Hi Everyone, I am a super new grower and need a lot of help. I live in Toronto in a condo with no balcony but have floor to ceiling southeast facing windows. Last September I bought a calamondin about a foot high in a 6 inch pot it had fruits and was healthy. In the winter I noticed some scaling a friend said to wash the leaves with dish liquid diluted in a lot of water, the scaling went away but the leaves started to droop and fall off same friend suggested I repot because it was root bound so I did (moved to an 8 inch) with a Miracle Grow enriched potting soil. The plant lost half of its leaves so I trimmed some of the branches with no leaves. It began to flower in April and turned to fruit but its growing so slowly you could hardly see it. I went to a nursery and they said to fertilize using Miracle Grow shake and feed a month later the plant blossomed a LOT but no leaf growth! I noticed the flowers didn't open and are now turning brown, please HELP me what am I doing wrong?