Anyone have their own tried and true mix? How much of what are you putting in it, for outside, or inside? Thanks Carol
i use a commercial cactus or soiless mix 2 to one mixed pearlite , this is the base it allows good drainage & drys quite quickly -many cacti i keep in very small clay pots this also promotes fast drying which protects the roots & allows more frequent watering/fertilizing to help grow faster then some plants prefer more organic additives & some dolomite lime , this i add as a thin layer on the top adding more or less by plant condition , its distributed to the roots through watering .this way you keep the richer /or potentialy root burning (lime ) away from directly contacting the roots when this layer is thin or absorbed just add more
I use the the same as DeVine. Commercial C/S mix doesn't seem to drain very well right out of the bag. Perlite, gotta love the stuff! M.