How do I go about finding cactus seeds? I have new blooms this week on my cactus and I want to see if I can save the seeds for planting. Are they on the stem of the flower??? Do I dry out the flowers and they fall out?
i was just about to ask this question! i'm eager to see the replies! Beautiful flowers, what kind of cactus?
Hi Laticauda, upon further research, pollination has to take place with more of the same flowers and then you will see a round fruit at the stem, thats where the seeds are...(I'm still learning, so much info and its in the Echinopsis sp. family)
Well I have 75 of the plants, lol. Five of them have started to bloom, lets hope the honey bees did some work:)
75??? And you have not seen fruits on them before? Anyway, the flowers will dry up and fall off after a while. If it was pollinated, the fruit develops over the next months. They often split open spontaneously, telling you that they are ripe. They are easy to pollinate with a brush if the bees are incompetent.
I took two blooms from the same plant and pushed and rubbed them together....I also did this with my trailing ice plant. It's at least worth a go, right?
Yes 75, they are mostly offsets, + many more rooting... of bigger ones...I will post a photo if I find fruit :)