Need help id'ing these guys...think the big chunky green cactus is a Stenocactus (?) but can't get the species. Also, any idea why it's twisting (not from looking for light; it was that way from the nursery and continued over the summer while outside). Its dark green with fine gold spines. The white fluffy ball has spines that resemble a bad comb over...they split in to 2 groups and curl upward! Spnes are very stiff, not soft like "old man" cactus, and no sharp points. Last is an optunia but no clue as to which one. Thanks for any help!
OOOOPPPS! YOU WERE SO RIGHT, LILA!!! Did some more checking and found better pics; you were right on the money. Eriosyce senilis is just what this little round, white guy is. Now I know it's very rot prone, so will take extreme care with watering. Thanks again for the fast response! If any one else has one of these and want to see good pics, here's a site with good close ups of the spines: then look under the old name Neoporteria senilis.