Cacti Help

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by KatSea, Mar 24, 2013.

  1. KatSea

    KatSea New Member

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    Ozark Alabama
    So today I went to water my 4 cacti.I haven't watered them in about 3 weeks. Everything was going great until I ever so genitally touched one and it just flopped over. Anything I can do to save him? He looks all green and great he's just kinda....rootless. Whats wrong with him? I'm kinda depressed about it.

    The picture on the left is where it fell off. The one on the right is the bottom of the cacti...

    Please help.
    Thank you so much!

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  2. mandarin

    mandarin Active Member 10 Years

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    Probably not. I am not 100% sure, but it looks like rot. If it is possible to find a non-infected part you could root it, but beginners often find that difficult.
  3. Lysichiton

    Lysichiton Active Member

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    Fraser Valley, BC.
    A succulent grower of many years & of great success said to me that the inevitable mistake that novice desert plant growers make is to overwater. My son who had a collection of desert plants for a long time put it this way "Dad, when you think they want water, think about it for a week, then wait a week, then water them if the sun is still shining". Made me laugh, but I killed a lot fewer of his plants after that when I had to look after them. He didn't water many of them from Oct to April & then only sparingly, till soaking to run-through & fertilizing them in the summer.

    Vancouver has a great Desert Plant Society:

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