I'm thinking about buying maybe a dozen Crocus sativus bulbs. They're rather expensive of course. But, since they're bulbs, when they grow full size, and die, would more bulbs have grown attatched to that original bulb (like how garlic grows)? Becuase 12 crocus plants wouldn't make much saffron :p I'm basically asking, after I grew the 12, would that be it? Or would those provide more root bulbs to grow more and so on? Thanks.
Usually with crocus if they like a spot they multiply to form clumps, seedlings may also appear. The thing would be if this species liked it there in New York. Small bulbs like this can be managed in not completely suitable climates by growing them under covers, in pots. This approach may also help prevent losses to rodents, crocus corms are even suitable for human consumption. In a pot in a frame or cold greenhouse rodents canbe screened out, planted in the ground (unless they are planted inside buried wire enclosures) they are vulnerable to mice and squirrels.