Struck by a delivery truck. Please take a look at the damage and offer some guidance. Should i use a fungicide, wrap, unsure about best practice in this case. First 2 pics are of the wound, then the broken branch, and then the tree with the branch missing. I have since pruned away the flap of bark, should i trim more? Thanks for any suggestions.
In case anyone else is watching for answers to this, some discussion has ensued at
Seems some scaring and growth is going on. This pic from 10/07 shows some changes to the wound. All suggestions on supporting this trees' recovery appreciated.
Eek! All you can do is keep it growing well, wait for it to replace the lost bark. This will consist primarily of keeping the site open to full light (if you want to see a lacebark pine become gaunt and deformed, just start talking about it becoming shaded where it can hear you), watering during dry spells that may occur. If needles start looking yellowish, nutrient supplementation may also be called for (sample soil and have it tested before selecting fertilizer).
Ron, thanks for your thoughts. The tree gets full sun and irrigation. It is in a fast draining soil. It flourishes there. The trauma did not derail the plant at all so far!