Can anyone tell me about this. I have some wonderful roses but I found, as I was deadheading one bloom that the centre of the bloom had 5 0r 6 small buds developing. Is this very unusual? (I have never seen anything like it). If I hadn't deadheaded, would the buds have developed?
If the green buds appear in the middle of an existing bloom, it's a condition called Proliferation. I am not sure if anybody knows exactly what triggers it, but some roses are more susceptible than others. It should not affect your roses health or ability to bloom, but those buds in the middle are unlikely to bloom, or if they do, they are likely to be mishapened and distorted.
Thank you. It has only happened once and thse buds seemed to appear at the end of the life of that single bloom--I didn't notice them when the bloom was at its best
That happened to a baby (1-yr-old) Cecile Brunner I have. I left it alone, but the "embedded" bud never bloomed. I eventually cut it off.
thank you. If it happens again, I'll leave it and see what happens. I have had this happen before wih Monarda but in that case, a stem grew out of the bloom and another bloom grew on that stem. ..2-tiered flowers!! and it happened again this year with a geranium, another stem another bloom