Re: Acer palmatum 'First Ghost' Hi there guys! I've been looking for the Buchholz and Buchholz Nursery website...but can't find it anywhere. Could one of ya'll tell me? I've heard so much about it, and want to order something from him. Probably one of his ***. maples, but there is a cultivar of Bald Cypress that he has, called 'Peve Minaret' that I'm also interested in. Thanks for all your help! -David-
Re: Acer palmatum 'First Ghost' Don't know why the three asterics came out - I ment "Japanese" Maples...Sorry for the typo! -David-
Re: Acer palmatum 'First Ghost' Talon Buchholz does not have a website. Buchholz and Buchholz is a wholesale nursery that sells out of all his maple liners each year. I have been a wholesale customer for 15 years and still do not receive all the liners I request. If you want a Talon Buchholz Nursery maple, please see my website at Sam
Re: Acer palmatum 'First Ghost' Thanks Sam! I've looked at your website before, and thought to myself, "hmm, he has a nice inventory!" Well, thanks for the info! -David-