Hey, I have a potted Lucky Bamboo that has been a faithful friend of mine for quite some time. When I first got it I had it growing in water like most Lucky Bamboo, but it grew like mad. It has survived a move from Alberta to BC via air plane and everything! Last year the pot it was growing in finally gave up the ghost, and taking the advice I found on some websites, I planted it in soil in a larger pot. It has been doing quite well, and has now grown to about 2.5 feet tall, and has shoots growing up from the base and various offshoots from the older stems. In the last little while I have noticed that the leaves are going brown and dry at the tips on a lot of the plant. Some of it is old growth, some of it is new growth. Any ideas why this is happening? Is it just old age for Lucky Bamboo, or could it be too much/too little water? Or is it lacking some sort of fertilizer?
When I moved mine from water to soil, it went into a very large pot of syngonium which is kept semi moist at all times, so if your soil is drying out, it could be the reason for the brown tips. If the soil is too wet most of the time, that can also cause tips to brown. Over-feeding may be another reason. Mine gets briight indirect.