Found next to a dead hardwood in a mixed hardwood/conifer fores, near a streambed dominated by cedar. Brownish top with white pore mouths (yellow pores in cross-section) white flesh not staining. Stem had the "net-like"pattern near the top of the stem. I apologize for the quality of the photos.... I blame the I-Phone. :)
It looks like a porcini, Boletus edulis, or one of the close relatives that occur in eastern North America. If it doesn't taste bitter, it should be good to eat.
MUwhahahahaha!! I thought so too.... my first edulis!! Picture a guy about 6'0 ft tall that looks like Jesus doing the happy dance at 6:30am Saturday morning. THanks Vitog. :)
That specimen appears to be just right for eating. White tube mouths indicate a young one, and it does not appear to be wormy. Once the tube mouths turn yellow, they are only fit for drying (if they haven't been riddled with worm holes).
Thanks for those tips. Ate half last night..... I'm never peeling back the cuticle of a suillus again. :)