Brown stems on wandering jew

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by dragonfly0430, Nov 8, 2006.

  1. dragonfly0430

    dragonfly0430 Member

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    Georgia, USA
    I have a wandering jew plant which I have had for over two years. It is in a hanging basket on my front porch with is mostly shaded with filtered sunlight in the afternoons. The plant is growing normally (fast) and the leaves are very green, some dark and the others varigated green and white. However over the past two months I have noticed that the stems (?) that are coming out of the dirt part of the basket, are turning brown like they are dying. This brown extends from the area in the dirt, for 3-4 inches down the stem and from there the leaves are a beautiful green and varigated like I said. They keep sprouting new leaves also. I only water it maybe twice or three times weekly because it doesn't need water more than that. The soil is usually just a little dry when I do water it and I try not to overwater it. If someone can tell me why my plant is doing this and how to fix it, I would greatly appreciate it.
  2. wild-rose-43

    wild-rose-43 Active Member

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    Pacific Northwest, USA
    There are a couple of possible reasons for your troubles.

    1) Wandering Jews generally prefer to be a little moister than you are keeping it. They like the soil to be evenly moist, but not soggy, during the active growth period.

    2) Have you had it for 2 years in the same pot without repotting? It could be root-bound. Take several tip cuttings and root them in water, they root quickly. Throw the old root ball away and start over with fresh soil and your new cuttings.

    3) Wandering Jews that are that old do tend to lose the lower leaves and get a bit rangy. I would take tip cuttings and proceed as in #2 just to refresh the plant. If you like the length they stems have reached and don't want to start over with tiny plants. you can make your tip cuttings as long as you wish. Make sure you have at least one leaf node in the water as this is where the new roots will sprout from.

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