There were Brown spots on my cherry tree leaves just before the winter came. I went to Garden Centre and they gave a white powder to be mixed with and use as a spray which would control the disease but not totally eliminate it. I am wondering whether I need to apply the spray during the winter months too? Any help is appreicated. Thanks.
was it an old product container? If you have the container please post the name of the active ingredient, likely you will get advice. My guesses are: Ferbam, Benomyl or Captan. Maneb, Zineb and Mancozeb have been unavailable for too long I cant see a store still having stock. Dormant oil / lime sulphur is normally applied as an attempt to prevent overwintering insects and disease spores etc. I would imagine the powder product would be used during the growing season vs dormant.
Bordo is normally a copper sulphate mixture, most commonly used in season as a physical barrier between the leaf and the elements thereby inhibiting fungal infection. Usually its blue in color rather than white though.
Jimmy, What I want to know is whether Bordo is effective enough as it is said to only control the disease, not eliminate it. Also, should this be sprayed during the winter too? A
I answered both questions in my previous post. It is used 'in season' meaning during the growing season, not the dormant season. As far as I know fungicides are intended to prevent infection rather than eliminate the disease pathogen completely.