Just looking for suggestion for a cardboard palm plant in which the leaves are turning brown. It's a new plant quite small and just wondering if anyone has some advice. Thanks
Advice for growing a Zamia Furfuracea in Vermont? Keep it indoors from late August through late April! =-D Other than that, dropping leaves isn't really too, too big a deal. I had two freeze through at 25 degrees last winter and completely defoliate. They weren't really happy about it, I'm sure, but they are putting out a new flush right now. Biggest thing is just to keep a close eye on how and when you water them. If it's outside in full sun, it will need far more water than if it's being grown indoors.
Thank you for the tips and don't you worry it's inside:0). I'm thinking it's got more to do with how it's being watered. Have a good weekend and thanks.